Saturday 10 July 2010

What Inspires You?

If you are in any way connected to Choi Kwang-Do, or follow Choi Kwang-Do through the various websites, blogs and social media, you will no doubt have seen many comments about the UK seminar in May (not to mention lots of talk about the landmark Choi Kwang-Do seminar in Korea in October 2010).

Seeing Grandmaster Choi perform, teach and talk about the development and evolution of Choi Kwang-Do is highly inspirational for Choi Kwang-Do students and instructors the world over. Many of the images, videos, reports and conversations convey how inspiring the seminar was...and continues to be.

Maybe you were at the seminar yourself?

Or if you weren't at the seminar, imagine you've watched an excellent film on TV or at the cinema.

Or you've seen your favourite musician perform.

Or you're engrossed in reading a biography of someone you respect or admire.

We all know that feeling; how each of these events can touch us emotionally, dwell in our minds and inspire or motivate us in different ways.

A great way to get motivated is to associate, watch or read about others who are either successful, or have made achievements in your field of interest. Whether that be martial arts, your current occupation or your desired one.

Part of the reason for this is that by associating yourself with others who are successful will make their goals and stories seem more real to you.

You can also get a feel for the challenges they faced and overcame, which may help you to see how you could overcome them too.

So what inspires or motivates you?

Or if relevant, what motivated you to begin martial arts?

Jason Wright is 5th Degree Black Belt and Master Instructor in the martial art Choi Kwang-Do. For further information on Choi Kwang-Do classes in Ealing, West London visit


  1. I am inspired by those values extolled by great leaders like Gandhi or Mandela: humility, compassion, unbreakable spirit and an unstinting commitment to a greater cause than themselves. In fact, the values extolled by Choi Kwan Do - (that is probably what attracted me in the first instance!) In a society drenched in vacuous materialism and plastic personalities I'm urging all overpaid prima donna football players and power hungry politicians to take up a trial lesson of Choi Kwan Do!

  2. I am sure there are footballers and politicians who follow similar values to such notable figures, and the values extolled by Choi Kwang-Do...although it's those with very different/lesser values that tend to make the news!

  3. I am inspired by things that are not materialistic. Words in a good book, a wonderful piece of art that has emotional significance, and interesting discussions and debate all give me the lust for life.

  4. Don't forget you can always started your own interesting discussion back at our Facebook Page...
