Thursday, 9 May 2013

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 10/05/2013

Our May Leadership & Black Belt Training session will be on Friday 10th May. Usual times and location for Leadership Team members (Junior Leaders, Assistant and Head Instructors).

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs and Black Belts)
7.00 - 8.30pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Class Update 06/05/2013 & 27/05/2013

A reminder that there will no classes on the bank holiday Monday 6th May. Classes continue as normal on Wednesday 8th.The same applies for the second bank holiday later this month - no class on Monday 27th May.

For those that train only on Monday's please remember that you can attend both classes the following week, if possible.