Sunday, 21 November 2021

In-Person Classes Have Resumed!

I am sure this has happened to us all at some point: you've made a search online, found some promising results and clicked the link to one of the websites. The website opens and after a quick scan around at the information and images, you click on the News or Blog link, eager to find out what the service or business has been up to recently, only to find the last update was several months ago... 

"Has the business closed", you wonder. "Or have they just not got round to posted anything recently?!"

In our case it's the latter, but I'm pleased to confirm that our in-person martial arts classes have literally just restarted. A combination of lockdowns and searching for a new venue means this has been a 20 month break! (In fact, this is not strictly true; we've had a small group training and grading online since April 2020). 

In the interests of protecting each other we are operating with some restrictions (see further below) but our classes are now held at the following location, conveniently located between Ealing Broadway and Ealing Common:

St Matthew's Church Hall
North Common Road
London W5 2QA

Look out for the gate on the left side of the church. Follow the path to the hall at the rear to your left.

Some points for returning students and those interested in discovering Choi Kwang-Do for the first time:

- Currently, classes are observing social distancing and will not include any partner or equipment work, unless training in a family group. 

- We would ask that students arrive dressed for class, as much as possible. Toilets are available and a separate kitchen area for changing, if needed.

- Doors will be open for ventilation, so you may wish to wear a t-shirt or extra layer under your uniform top. 

- No spectators; we're asking parents of regular students to drop and collect their child. Parents are welcome to observe if bringing a child for a free trial lesson. 

Get in touch today if you would like more information on the new classes or interesting in booking a free trial.

Sunday, 21 March 2021

CKD Online Seminar & Workshop with Grandmaster Choi

As part of OUR World Choi Kwang-Do celebrations in 2021, we have the opportunity to make history and train online - for the first time ever - with Grandmaster Choi and our fellow instructors and students from around the world. Please join us on Saturday, March 27th, 2021 at 7.00pm GMT for the historical event. The event is from 7.00 - 9.00pm for all students and then from 9.00-10.00pm for Black Belts only.

Registration is simple - just go to There you can register attendance and receive the private Zoom link. The cost is only $30.00 and is completed through PayPal (you can check out as a guest).

We have an opportunity to make history (again). We look forward to seeing you online at the event!

*This event is open to existing CKD students and instructors only*

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

World Choi Kwang-Do Day 2021

March 2nd marks two significant events in the Choi Kwang-Do calendar:

1. Grandmaster Kwang Jo Choi, the founder of Choi Kwang-Do, turns 79 years old.

2. It's the 34th anniversary of Choi Kwang-Do.

Officially announced on March 2nd 1987, Choi Kwang-Do is product of Grandmaster Choi's martial arts experience and training coupled with modern science to create a system that is good for your health, powerful and practical, yet gentle on the human body. 

Choi Kwang-Do, translates as "the art of Kwang Choi". 

If you're not familiar with the history of CKD, the best summary is the 5 minute video below. Our students may recall that we showed this in class on World CKD Day 2020 (one of our last 'in person' classes as we've been online only since then) but for convenience, we've included it below for those either missed it, have joined us since then, or existing students who would like a refresher. 

Enjoy...and keep training.