Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Excellence - November/December 2012

Our final issue of Excellence for 2012 is below. Includes proposed dates for gradings and special classes during 2013.

Download Excellence (November/December 2012)

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 30/11/2012

Our final Leadership & Black Belt Training session for 2013 takes place on Friday 30th November.

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

NB. This session will be held in the Westminster Suite at Crowne Plaza London Ealing, opposite the Knightsbridge Suite where they're normally held.

Leadership & Black Belt Training dates for 2013 will be posted shortly.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Black Belt Grading - December 2012

Time for the last Regional Black Belt Grading for 2012 at Wembley CKD. Please make a note of the scheduled Grading Times:

10:00 Dan Test: Brown Senior, 1st Degree Brown & 2nd Degree Brown
12:00 Tag Test 1: 1st Degree Plain, Yellow & Gold
12:50 Tag Test 2: 1st Degree Orange, Green & Blue
13:40 Tag Test 3: 1st Degree Purple & Red. 2nd Degree Plain, Gold, Green, Blue & Red. 3rd Degree Plain, Gold & Blue
14:45 Scheduled Finish

Click here to pay Grading Fees online

Black Belt Grading dates for 2013 will be posted shortly.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 02/11/2012

We're down to our last Leadership & Black Belt Training sessions for 2012.

Friday 2nd November is the date of next session at Crowne Plaza London Ealing.

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

The last ession is on Friday 30th November just before the Black Belt Grading on Sunday 2nd December.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Class Update: Ealing CKD 29/10/2012 & 31/10/2012

During the half term the classes on Monday 29th and Wednesday 31st October will be held at Crowne Plaza hotel.

Please note the amendment to class times and format below.

Crowne Plaza London Ealing (Knightsbridge Suite, lower ground)
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG

Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

Monday 29th October
6.00 Children's Class 1
7.00 Children's Class 2
8.00 Teens & Adults

Wednesday 31st October
7.00 Children's Class (the first and second children's classes will be merged)
8.00 Teens & Adults

If driving to the hotel, please ensure you obtain a permit from hotel reception. You'll need to display this in your car before attending the class. 

Classes return to Ellen Wilkinson School on Monday 5th November at the usual times.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Coloured Belt Grading - October 2012

The October Coloured Belt Grading takes place this week on Wednesday 24th. Please refer to the grading list sent by email to confirm your eligibility. As always, aim to arrive 10 - 15 minutes early in order to warm up and be ready to grade at your usual class time.

Click here to pay Grading Fees online

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Excellence - September/October 2012

September/October issue of Excellence is now available. Includes proposed dates for the UK 25th anniversary seminar in June 2013 and an update on the new range of Ealing CKD clothing.

Download Excellence (September/October 2012)

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 05/10/2012

October's session will be held this Friday 5th October at the usual location, Crowne Plaza London Ealing:

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

The next session is planned for Friday 2nd November with the last session for 2012 on Friday 30th November. There will not be a session in December.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Black Belt Grading - September 2012

The Black Belt Grading for September takes place on Sunday 9th at Wembley CKD. The scheduled grading times are as follows:

10:00 Dan Test: Brown Senior, 1st Degree Brown & 2nd Degree Brown
12:00 Tag Test 1: 1st Degree Plain & Yellow
12:40 Tag Test 2: 1st Degree Gold, Orange & Green
13:20 Tag Test 3: 1st Degree Blue, Purple & Red. 2nd Degree Plain, Gold, Green, Blue & Red. 3rd Degree Plain, Gold & Blue
14:00 Scheduled Finish

Click here to pay Grading Fees online

Click here for Black Belt Grading dates for 2012

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 07/09/2012

Our September Leadership & Black Belt Training session takes place on Friday 7th (just in time to review everything in the time for the grading on Sunday!) To be held in the Knightsbridge Suite at Crowne Plaza London Ealing:

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

The next session will be on Friday 5th October.

View the remaining dates for 2012

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Coloured Belt Grading - August 2012

This Wednesday 22nd we'll be holding the August Coloured Belt Grading. As usual, please refer to the grading list sent by email to confirm your elibility. All children (or students who normally attend this class) will be grading at 6.30pm, all adults at 7.30pm.

Click here to pay Grading Fees online

Click here for Grading dates for 2012

This is also he last class before we break for the summer holidays (see our Summer Schedule post for further details). This means that the belt presentation for successful students will take place when we return to Ellen Wilkinson School in September.

Friday, 3 August 2012

What Are You Trying To Achieve?

It's said that discussing subjects such as religion and politics will always result in an argument. You could probably add martial arts to that list too. Martial arts training is a personal experience that practitioners take very seriously - possibly too seriously sometimes. In the past I have seen people react to a comment about their style/system/founder with the kind of anger you'd expect to see if a member of their family had just been publicly insulted.

Comparing style with style is somewhat pointless (unless you’re talking about the genre of classic kung fu films: my snake fist versus your tiger style etc. etc.) I say this because I think it depends heavily upon:

1. What you personally are trying to achieve through your training, and
2. What's most important to you as an individual

If you're training to be able to defend against anything, you're going to need to know everything, right? Therefore, if you're training to be a well rounded fighter, your selected style would need to encompass punches, blocks, kicks, grappling, throws, chokes, joint locks etc. A single martial art style may not be enough to cover each of these disciplines sufficiently, hence we have the booming mixed martial arts scene.

So what are you trying to achieve?

Do you want to be a fighter?
Do you want to be healthier?
Do you want to be stronger?
Do you want to socialise?
Do you want to be able to defend yourself?
Do you want to have fun?

More importantly, is your training helping you to achieve the things that you want?

Some martial arts serve a niche, while others strive to be all things to all people. I believe Choi Kwang-Do's niche is health, both physical and mental: utilising martial arts training to enable practitioners to lead a more happy, healthy and more productive life. This philosophy is encapsulated in one of Grandmaster Choi’s sayings:

"You may go through life without ever having to use your martial arts skills for self defence, yet good health is important to everyone".

(Similarly, but on a personal note, I enjoy teaching and working towards the personal mastery of performance and the self discipline that requires. I take self defence as a 'by-product' of all the components of the system).

Yes, the biomechanically correct techniques in Choi Kwang-Do have power and practical application. Yes, the Defence Drills and Close Range Drills create scenarios to develop self defence skills. However, the focus on health means that when placed alongside some martial arts, Choi Kwang-Do doesn’t really compare on equal terms.

Choi Kwang-Do may not cover the wide array of combat skills as some martial arts, but it's fluid Patterns and Speed Drills will help to improve your aerobic capacity enabling you to run for the bus without passing out from exhaustion should you actually reach the bus stop in time. Choi Kwang-Do may not teach you how to disarm a knife-welding attacker, but Shield Drills will help to tone your muscles enabling you to do some gardening at the weekend without having to take the rest of the week off from work.

This focus on health is important to note as it underpins a lot of what takes place - or doesn't take place - in a Choi Kwang-Do class, and also the on-going development of the martial art as a whole.

Jason Wright is a 5th Degree Black Belt and Master Instructor in the martial art Choi Kwang-Do. For further information on Choi Kwang-Do classes in Ealing, West London visit

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 03/08/2012

Friday 3rd August is the date for our summer Leadership & Black Belt Training session. Usual location and times, Crowne Plaza London Ealing:

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

The next session is currently scheduled for Friday 14th September but there is a chance this could change. An update will be posted in due course.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Excellence - July/August 2012

Below is the July/August issue of Excellence. Includes an update on grading preparation for children and a reminder of our class warm up and dynamic pre stretch routine.

Download Excellence (July/August 2012)

Ealing CKD Summer Schedule 2012

Please see below are our summer schedule of classes for 2012.

From Monday 23rd July – Wednesday 22nd August we will be training at:

Crowne Plaza London Ealing
Hanger Lane Gyratory
Western Avenue
London W5 1HG
Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

5.30pm – 6.20pm Children's Class 1*
6.30pm – 7.20pm Children's Class 2*
7.30pm – 8.30pm Teens & Adults

* These classes may be merged to 6.30pm depending on attendance levels. To be confirmed.

The dates for these classes will be:

Monday 23rd July & Wednesday 25th July
Monday 30th July & Wednesday 1st August
Monday 6th August & Wednesday 8th August
Monday 13th August & Wednesday 15th August
Monday 20th August & Wednesday 22nd August

The August Coloured Belt Grading will take place on Wednesday 22nd August after which we close for the summer holidays. Classes then resume on Monday 10th September back at Ellen Wilkinson School.

The usual parking conditions apply: ensure you are parked in a hotel bay and display your permit first before attending the class.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 06/07/2012

July's session takes place this Friday 6th July at Crowne Plaza London Ealing:

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

This month we'll be reviewing procedures for preparing students for gradings.

The next class will be on Friday 3rd August.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Coloured Belt Grading - June 2012

June's Coloured Belt Grading takes place this Wednesday 27th. Please refer to the grading list sent by email to confirm your elibility. You should aim to arrive 10 - 15 minutes early to warm up and be ready to start at your usual class time.

Click here to pay Grading Fees online

Click here for Grading dates for 2012

Friday, 8 June 2012

Do You Like Being Watched?

As a martial art Choi Kwang-Do is very traditional in that the curriculum is taught to students defined by belt level. Students progress through the curriculum by learning the various components of the martial art then presenting their skills at gradings. If they successfully demonstrate the required standard and ability for the belt level they are promoted to the next advanced belt rank.

However, I personally think that gradings are important, but not solely for the challenge of rank advancement. Imagine you were to enlist the services of a personal fitness trainer. As part of your exercise regime they may ask you to keep a food diary for an agreed period of time, say one week. From your food diary they can analyse your eating patterns, look closer at the content of your diet and then provide nutritional advice to help you eat healthier as a way of complimenting your physical training programme.

Now, you don’t want to have someone else look at what you eat in a normal week and say, “my word, you do eat lots of biscuits, don’t you? You need to cut down!”

So, knowing that you’re diet is going to be analysed, in that particular week you suddenly find a liking for carrot sticks…

Okay, maybe carrot sticks aren’t your snack of choice, but I’m sure you get the point here: the mere fact of knowing that your actions are to be analysed means that, whether consciously or unconsciously, when being watched you change your actions.

This is why gradings are so important.

The majority of students and instructors will become slightly nervous, stressed or anxious on the lead up to and even during gradings (and yes, that does include me). This is a natural part of the process, and the test is really how well we manage those feelings, which does become easier with time. Training from White Belt to Black Belt, a duration that could range from 3½ - 5 years or more, allows a fair amount of time to develop these stress management skills.

So firstly, gradings provide a moderately stressful environment whereby you can learn to manage stress while aiming to perform at your best.

The Hawthorne Effect refers to the change in behaviour in response to participation and attention received. Studies conducted between 1927 and 1932 at the Hawthorne Plant of the Western Electric Company, Illinois looked at the relationship between productivity and worker environment. The original study looked at levels of lighting, and went on to include factors such as quantity and duration of break times and temperature.

However, the findings were that regardless of which and how the factors were changed, the productivity of the workers involved in the study improved. The reason being the workers knew they were participating in an experiment and that the researchers were watching and taking interest in them. I would argue that it is much the same for students taking gradings.

Secondly, when taking a grading, the aspect of being observed and assessed helps you to simultaneously perform at and experience an increased level of efficiency and proficiency.

Jason Wright is a 5th Degree Black Belt and Master Instructor in the martial art Choi Kwang-Do. For further information on Choi Kwang-Do classes in Ealing, West London visit

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Excellence - May/June 2012

This month's issue of Excellence contains a Close Range Defence Drill overview plus information for parents wishing to join our classes!

Download Excellence (May/June 2012)

Black Belt Grading - June 2012

June's Black Belt Grading is on Sunday 10th June at Wembley CKD. The scheduled grading times are as follows:

10:00 Dan Test: Brown Senior, 1st Degree Brown & 2nd Degree Brown
12:00 Tag Test 1: 1st Degree Plain & Yellow
12:50 Tag Test 2: 1st Degree Gold, Orange, Green & Blue
13:40 Tag Test 3: 1st Degree Purple & Red. 2nd Degree Plain, Gold, Green, Blue & Red. 3rd Degree Plain, Gold & Blue
14:30 Scheduled Finish

Click here to pay Grading Fees online

Click here for Black Belt Grading dates for 2012

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Class Update: Ealing CKD 04/06/2012 & 06/06/2012

A reminder that there's no class on Monday 4th June due to the bank holiday. If you usually train once class per week on a Monday then you're welcome to train both classes in the following week if possible.

The class on Wednesday 6th June will take place at Crowne Plaza hotel approximately 1 mile away:

Crowne Plaza London Ealing (Knightsbridge Suite, lower ground)
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG

The usual class times apply:

5.30 Children's Class 1
6.30 Children's Class 2
7.30 Teens & Adults

Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

Limited parking is available at the hotel but please ensure you get a parking permit from the hotel reception. You also need to be in a designated hotel parking space. Check with hotel reception if unsure.

Classes return to Ellen Wilkinson School on Monday 11th June.

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 01/06/2012

Leadership & Black Belt Training continues this Friday 1st June at the usual class times and location:

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

This month we'll review syllabus material ready for the Black Belt Grading on Sunday 10th June.

The next class is scheduled for Friday 6th July.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Class Update: Ealing CKD 07/05/2012

A reminder that there will not be a class on Monday 7th May due to the bank holiday.

If you usually train once class per week on a Monday then you're welcome to train both classes in the following week if possible.

Classes continue on Wednesday 9th May as normal.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 04/05/2012

Time once again for our monthly Leadership & Black Belt Training on Friday 4th May.

This month we'll be reviewing grading procedures in Leadership Training and senior combinations during Black Belt Training.

Usual class timings and venue, Crowne Plaza London Ealing:

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

The next class is scheduled for Friday 1st June.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Kickstart Your Black Belt Attitude

In the martial arts, Black Belt is a metaphor for excellence.

A Black Belt in any martial arts will have mastered a repertoire of physically impressive skills. In addition, a Black Belt will have also spent time cultivating and demonstrating positive attributes in terms of thought and behaviour, ie. the Black Belt Attitude. Put simply, having a Black Belt Attitude means striving for personal excellence in all areas of life, not just martial arts.

In Choi Kwang-Do, this is promoted within a framework defined by the Children's Promise, the Adult Pledge and the 6 Principles of Choi Kwang-Do, recently revised to:

Self Control
Unbreakable Spirit

Now, we all know that every skill requires practice and review - whether it be a Side Kick or looking for the silver lining in a seemingly negative situation. So, in Choi Kwang-Do we observe the following two checkpoints to kick (pun intended!) the Black Belt Attitude into action every class:-

Checkpoint 1: Tying Your Belt

If you were walking down your local high street and saw a person wearing a blue leotard, red pants (over the leotard) and a red cape, the instinctive curiosity of human beings would make many stop and stare. In some ways, wearing your Choi Kwang-Do uniform is much the same; we may not be able to run faster than a speeding train, or leap tall buildings in a single jump, but we do have other ‘special powers’.

The ‘special powers’ of a Choi Kwang-Do student range from the perfect execution of a pattern right through the physical and mental spectrum to displaying self-confidence and respect by a firm handshake and eye contact when meeting people. These attributes (plus many, many more) are all components of the Black Belt Attitude.

Tying your belt is the last stage of putting on your uniform. Use it as a reminder of the new persona you now acquire - regardless what colour your belt actually is.

Checkpoint 2: Entering the Dojang

The dojahng (training hall; direct translation is House of Discipline) is the primary location where we learn and practise Choi Kwang-Do. An optimum learning environment requires one to the relaxed, yet alert. It requires students to be disciplined.

To set this frame of mind, students say, Pil-Seung, Sir! Pil-Seung, Ma’am!” and then bow as they enter and leave the dojahng. This serves as a polite greeting to those already inside the dojahng (who should respond by saying Pil-Seung!”) Further to this, consider the statement a public declaration, triggering your transition into an incredible Choi Kwang-Do student who strives for personal excellence. After all, you will already have your superhero outfit on!

Naturally, our pursuit of personal excellence should extend to all areas of our lives whether or not you are wearing your uniform or in the dojahng. These two checkpoints are easy to do - the key is to make a conscious effort to create the habit by remembering to do them each time you attend your classes.

Jason Wright is a 5th Degree Black Belt and Master Instructor in the martial art Choi Kwang-Do. For further information on Choi Kwang-Do classes in Ealing, West London visit

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Coloured Belt Grading - April 2012

This Wednesday 25th is the date for our April Grading. Please refer to the grading list sent by email to confirm your elibility.

Click here to pay Grading Fees online

Click here for Grading dates for 2012

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Excellence - March/April 2012

See below for the link to the next issue of Excellence, our bi monthly school newsletter. Includes information on the updates announced at the 25th Anniversay Choi Kwang-Do Seminar.

Download Excellence (March/April 2012)

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 13/04/2012

This month's Leadership & Black Belt Training takes place this Friday 13th April at Crowne Plaza London Ealing. (It's the second class we've had on Friday the 13th this year!)

Usual class timings:

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

The next class is scheduled for Friday 4th May.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Ealing CKD Easter Schedule 2012

A reminder of our class schedule over the Easter holidays. We continue training for the next two weeks at the following location:

Crowne Plaza London Ealing (Knightsbridge Suite, lower ground)
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG

Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

NB. Children's classes are merged on Monday 2nd and Wednesday 4th April and take place at 6.30pm.

Limited parking is available at the hotel but please ensure you get a parking permit from the hotel reception. You also need to be in a designated hotel parking space. Check with hotel reception if unsure.

Monday 2nd April
6.30 Children
7.30 Teens & Adults

Wednesday 4th April
6.30 Children (this is an update and supercedes the information previously sent).
7.30 Teens & Adults

Monday 9th April
Bank Holiday - no classes

Wednesday 11th April
5.30 Children's Class 1
6.30 Children's Class 2
7.30 Teens & Adults

Classes return to Ellen Wilkinson School on Monday 16th April at the usual times of 5.30, 6.30 and 7.30pm.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Black Belt Grading - March 2012

The first Black Belt Grading for 2012 takes place on Sunday 11th March 2012 at the usual location of Wembley CKD:

Wembley CKD School
Barham Primary School
Danethorpe Road

Click here for a map of Wembley CKD

10:00 Dan Test: Brown Senior, 1st Degree Brown & 2nd Degree
12:00 Tag Test 1: 1st Degree Plain, Yellow & Gold
12:50 Tag Test 2: 1st Degree Orange, Green & Blue
13:40 Tag Test 3: 1st Degree Purple & Red. 2nd Degree Plain, Gold, Green, Blue & Red. 3rd Degree Plain, Gold & Blue
14:30 Scheduled Finish

Click here to pay Grading Fees online

Click here for Black Belt Grading dates for 2012

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 02/03/2012

This *Friday 2nd March is the date for our next Leadership & Black Belt Training session at Crowne Plaza London Ealing.

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

The date of the April class is to be confirmed, although it will not be on April 6th (Good Friday) as previously advised.

*The 2nd March is also the official date of the 25th anniversary of Choi Kwang-Do!

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Coloured Belt Grading - February 2012

This Wednesday 29th February we hold the first Coloured Belt Grading for 2012; you're chance to present what you have learnt so far this year!

Please refer to the grading list sent by email to confirm your elibility.

Click here to pay Grading Fees online

Click here for Grading dates for 2012

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Excellence - January/February 2012

Are you ready for the '10 A Day Challenge'? Read the latest issue of Excellence below for more information.

Download Excellence (January/February 2012)

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Class Update: Ealing CKD 13/02/2012 & 15/02/2012

The half term school holiday means a brief relocation of our Choi Kwang-Do classes. We'll be training at Crowne Plaza hotel on Monday 13th and Wednesday 15th February.

Crowne Plaza London Ealing
Hanger Lane Gyratory
Western Avenue
Gyratory System
London W5 1HG

Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

Both classes will be held in the Knightsbridge Suite on the lower ground floor at the usual class times.

5.30 Children's Class 1
6.30 Children's Class 2
7.30 Teen & Adults

If driving to the hotel, please ensure you obtain a permit from hotel reception. You'll need to display this in your car before attending the class.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 03/02/2012

This month's Leadership & Black Belt Training session will be on Friday 3rd February at Crowne Plaza London Ealing.

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

The next class will be on Friday 2nd March.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 13/01/2012

This is the first Leadership & Black Belt Training session of 2012, and much needed after the Christmas break! This Friday 13th January at Crowne Plaza London Ealing.

In these monthly classes we cover two areas of training:

1. Leadership Training
A short workshop when we work on refining the tools and techniques used for teaching, communicating and leading students in class.

2. Black Belt Training
A longer training session comprising of a physical review of all Choi Kwang-Do syllabus material. Essential for developing and maintaining a Black Belt standard.

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

View all scheduled Leadership & Black Belt Training dates for 2012

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Where To Find What

In class I often direct students to certain websites where you can get various pieces of information to support your training at Ealing Choi Kwang-Do. I also have students and parents say that they are not always sure which website to go for which information.

So here's a short guide on where to go to find what you might be looking for.

1. Ealing CKD School Website
This is the website for prospective students. It provides general information about our classes for people wanting to start Choi Kwang-Do and enables them to book an Introductory Lesson. Once you have joined the school it is unlikely you will visit this site very often.

2. Student Services Website
This website is designed to support existing students and families who attend Ealing Choi Kwang-Do. This is the website you will probably find the most helpful and visit the most often once you have joined the school.

Visit this site to:

- Learn how to tie your belt.
- View or download the Welcome Pack and Student Guide.
- Check important dates throughout the year (there's a Calendar at the bottom of each page).
- Check Black Belt Grading times.
- View or download issues of our bi-monthly class newsletter, Excellence.

3. Student Shop
At this website you can pay for Grading Fees plus purchase any required training equipment for use in class. Delivery is made to students in class.

Go to this website to:

- Pay Grading Fees online via credit/debit card or PayPal.
- Purchase Safety Equipment.
- Buy Choi Kwang-Do uniforms and T-Shirts.

4. The Official CKD Website
This is the official website for Choi Kwang-Do Martial Art International.

Visit this site to:

- Read up on news directly from Choi Kwang-Do HQ.
- View a list of all Choi Kwang-Do school across the world. You can search by country and postcode.
- Login to the member's area via the Student Login link. This is where you can access your Syllabus Sheet which contains everything you need to know for your current belt level plus all preceding belt levels.

You will need your Student ID and PIN to login which will have been sent in your welcome email when you first joined. If you have misplaced (or even deleted) it please contact me and I can resend it.

In addition to these 4 websites you can also connect with Ealing Choi Kwang-Do through social media:

Like us at
Follow us at
Watch on

...and lastly our mobile web app. To view updates from our Student Services Website (see website number 2 above) plus Facebook, Twitter and YouTube all in one place and conveniently on your mobile phone simply go to on your mobile phone's web browser only - it will not work on a desktop browser. Or if you use a Nokia mobile phone you can install the app directly via the Nokia Store

Jason Wright is a 5th Degree Black Belt and Master Instructor in the martial art Choi Kwang-Do. For further information on Choi Kwang-Do classes in Ealing, West London visit