Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Black Belt Gradings 2012

Please see below dates for Black Belt Choi Kwang-Do Gradings during 2012, all to be held at Wembley CKD:

Sunday 11th March
Sunday 10th June
Sunday 9th September
Sunday 2nd December

Coloured Belt Gradings 2012

Please see below dates for Coloured Belt Choi Kwang-Do Gradings during 2012, all to be held in class at Ealing CKD:

Wednesday 29th February
Wednesday 25th April
Wednesday 20th June
Wednesday 22nd August
Wednesday 24th October
Wednesday 5th December

Leadership & Black Belt Training 2012

Please see below dates for Leadership & Black Belt Training during 2012, all to be held at Crowne Plaza London Ealing:

Friday 13th January
Friday 3rd February
Friday 2nd March
Friday 6th April
Friday 4th May
Friday 1st June
Friday 6th July
Friday 3rd August
Friday 14th September
Friday 5th October
Friday 2nd November
Friday 30th November*

*A second class in late November ensures there is a session before the Black Belt Grading on Sunday 2nd December.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Excellence - November/December 2011

Below is the current issue of our now bi-monthly newsletter Excellence. Includes details of our Christmas meal and dates for gradings and special classes throughout 2012.

Download Excellence (November/December 2011)

Coloured Belt Grading - December

Our last Coloured Belt Grading for 2011 will be held on Wednesday 7th December. The class on Monday 5th will be the last opportunity for practise. The grading takes place in class time so please arrive 10 - 15 minutes early to be ready to start.

To check whether you will be grading please refer to the confirmed grading list sent by email.

Click here to pay Grading Fee online.

Grading dates for 2012 coming soon.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Throw Yourself Into It!

Roughly a year ago I had our adult students working on sliding kicks.

The technical aspect of what these are isn't really that important but just to provide some context, as the name implies sliding kicks involves performing a kick whilst sliding forwards towards the target. It's a way of covering distance dynamically to reach an out of range target while simultaneously attacking. It's faster than taking a separate step forward towards the target and then kicking. Plus, it can also result in a more powerful kick as the whole body weight is being thrust forwards with the kick.

Officially, sliding kicks occur in the Choi Kwang-Do curriculum at 2nd Degree Black Belt but this wasn't a Black Belt Class. In fact, there were only three black belts in the entire class of 16 that of them being me!

So why was I getting the students to do this?

The first reason was that it was a fun challenge for many, without straying too far outside of what they would normally be working on, eg. basic kicks with the target in a comfortable range whereby a slide is not required. However, the main lesson behind the lesson (if you see what I mean) was that to perform a sliding kick you have to throw yourself into it.

Physically speaking, you really do have you launch your body weight towards the target but in a controlled manner. If you don't, you simply won't cover the distance and reach the target. If you do, your balance (and subsequent power) will be negatively affected. This is quite a radical change for most students because they would have been initially taught to kick from a stationary position without sliding.

Emotionally speaking there can be even more to learn. Once you have practised and realised the need to launch your body weight towards the target, you're less likely to hesitate when approaching similar techniques in the future.
You will have already demonstrated to yourself that to complete particular tasks, you sometimes have to overcome self-induced obstacles.

Of course, among the more junior students there was lots of hesitation at first. Perfectly natural given the circumstances, but that was that whole point; to enable the students to recognise when this is happening, when they may be deliberating over a task that has little or no damaging outcomes.

Make a decision.
Affirm commitment.
Throw yourself into it!

There are many areas of life whereby unless we make a commitment and throw ourselves into something, before starting we've already limited the experience we could potentially receive. A valuable and useful lesson for me, the students...and maybe for you too?

Jason Wright is a 5th Degree Black Belt and Master Instructor in the martial art Choi Kwang-Do. For further information on Choi Kwang-Do classes in Ealing, West London visit

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 02/12/2011

This is our last Leadership & Black Belt Training session for 2011 taking place on Friday 2nd December. The Black Belt Grading is on Sunday 4th so this final session will be chance to review your curriculum material.

Crowne Plaza London Ealing
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG

Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

Look out for proposed dates throughout 2012 (typically the first Friday of each month) which will be posted shortly.

Black Belt Grading - December 2011

The last Regional Black Belt Grading for 2011 will be on Sunday 4th December:

Wembley CKD School
Barham Primary School
Danethorpe Road

Click here for a map of Wembley CKD School

10:00 Dan Test: Brown Senior, Il Dan Brown & Ee Dan Brown
12:00 Tag Test 1: Il Dan Plain, Yellow, Orange & Green
12:50 Tag Test 2: Il Dan Blue, Purple, Red. Ee Dan Plain, Gold, Green, Blue & Red. Sam Dan Plain, Gold & Blue
13:40 Scheduled Finish

Click here to pay Grading Fees online

2012 Black Belt Grading dates will be posted shortly.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 04/11/2011

November's Leadership & Black Belt Training takes place this Friday 4th at Crowne Plaza Ealing. We're back in the Knightsbridge Suite this month too!

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Class Update: Ealing CKD 24/10/2011 & 26/10/2011

During the half term the classes on Monday 24th and Wednesday 26th October will be held at Crowne Plaza hotel.

Crowne Plaza London Ealing
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG

Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

NB. There is a minor change to the Teen & Adult Class timings on Monday 24th only.

Monday 24th October - Westminster Suite (lower ground, opposite the Knightsbridge Suite where we usually train)
5.30 Children Beginners
6.30 Children Intermediate & Advanced
7.30 Teens & Adults White Belt - Yellow Belt Senior
8.30 Teens & Adults Gold Belt and above*

*Instructor can attend earlier classes as usual.

Wednesday 26th October - Knightsbridge Suite (lower ground)
5.30 Children Beginners
6.30 Children Intermediate & Advanced
7.30 Teens & Adults all ranks

When at the hotel the usual parking procedures apply. Please obtain a permit from hotel reception or myself before attending the class.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Coloured Belt Grading - October 2011

The October Coloured Belt Grading will be held on Wednesday 19th October. The grading takes place within your usual class time but ensure you arrive 10 - 15 minutes early.

Look out for the confirmed grading list which will be sent by email shortly.

For your convenience, Grading Fees can be paid online. Alternatively, Grading Fees can be paid on the day at the Admin Table.

The last Coloured Belt Grading for 2011 will be on Wednesday 7th December.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 07/10/2011

Friday 7th October is the date for our October Leadership & Black Belt Training session:

Crowne Plaza London Ealing
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG

Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

NB. This month the class will take place in the Westminster Suite, directly opposite the Knightsbridge Suite where the class normally takes place.

The next class will be on Friday 4th November.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Class Update: Ealing CKD 05/10/2011

Please note that there is no class on Wednesday 5th October as Ellen Wilkinson School are holding an open day. Apologies for any inconvenince, although if you train once class per week on a Wednesday then you're welcome to train both classes in the following week.

Classes continue on Monday 10th October as normal.

Look out for the grading list that I'll be sending to students and families next week. The grading is on Wednesday 19th October.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 16/09/2011

September's Leadership & Black Belt Training session will be held on Friday 16th:

Crowne Plaza London Ealing
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG
Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

As previously posted, the September Black Belt Grading is on Sunday 18th so this class will essentially be a review of syllabus material.

Click here for dates of Leadership & Black Belt Training for the remainder of 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011

Excellence - September/October 2011

Read the next issue of Excellence now for an update on Grandmaster Pereira's visit in September and the pending Choi Kwang-Do 25th anniversary celebrations in March 2012.

If you have any questions about the information you can let me know in the comments, by email or in class.

Download Excellence (September/October 2011)

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Black Belt Grading - September 2011

The Black Belt Grading takes place next week on Sunday 18th September:

Wembley CKD School
Barham Primary School
Danethorpe Road

Click here for a map of Wembley CKD School

10:00 Dan Test: Brown Senior, Il Dan Brown & Ee Dan Brown
12:00 Tag Test 1: Il Dan Plain, Yellow & Gold
12:50 Tag Test 2: Il Dan Orange, Green, Blue, Purple & Red
13:40 Tage Test 3: Ee Dan Plain, Gold, Green, Blue & Red, Sam Dan Plain, Gold & Blue
14:30 Scheduled Finish

As usual, all times are approximate. Students are requested to arrive a minimum of 15 minutes before their allocated start time.

Click here to pay Grading Fees online

Black Belt Grading dates for 2011

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Knowing & Understanding

A few months back I recall working on kicking techniques with our children’s class. While reviewing the Rear Leg Front Kick we were breaking the kick down into two stages; shifting the body weight forwards first, then firing the kick off the back and stepping the foot down in front. Until this time, we’d simply practised the kick as a single movement.

Mid way through a very brief 'step by step' demonstration before we continued as a group, a student asked, "Why are we doing it like that? Why don’t we just kick?!"

Now, as an Instructor you never want to come across as too flippant or dismissive, but at the same time you want to keep the class momentum going. If you don’t you can open up the floor for all manner of questions ranging from favourite television programmes to how close a student is until their next this case I managed to get away with, "We're working on making your kick even better!"

It was immediately apparent that the student in question felt that they already knew how to do the kick, ie. they knew how to perform a striking action using the foot. However, they didn't (yet) have a deeper understanding of all the finer parts of the movement that collectively make up that particular kick:

- Pushing of the rear leg to shift the body weight forwards
- Tucking the kicking leg by bending the knee
- Driving the kicking leg forwards to striking the target with the ball of the foot
- Following through the target
- Stepping down in front

To now break the technique down after practising the kick 'in full' wasn't furthering understanding - it was taking a step backwards! Therein possibly lies the difference between knowing a technique and understanding a technique...

Typically when I'm teaching a technique I'll usually follow one of two methods. I simply call them Bottom Up and Top Down. (Yes, I’m sure there are probably more eloquent names, but they do the job).

Bottom Up: Breaking the technique down into 2, 3, or 4 stages and teaching each components of the movement sequentially, building up to the full technique.

Top Down: Show the technique, explain a few defining points of the technique, show it again, then get students to copy it. On successive repetitions additional points and corrections are added or made as required.

Which method I use will depend on a number of factors such as:

- The age and abilities of the students
- The size of the group
- Teaching objective, ie. are we learning a technique for the first time, or reviewing a technique for improvement?
- Teaching time available

For example, Top Down is generally faster but assumes the student can interpret what they are seeing into movement. Whereas Bottom Up gives more detail and promotes better understanding of the technique, but takes longer to deliver.

What's your view on the difference between knowing and understanding?

(Tips on what has helped you to improve a technique are welcome too!)

Jason Wright is a 5th Degree Black Belt and Master Instructor in the martial art Choi Kwang-Do. For further information on Choi Kwang-Do classes in Ealing, West London visit

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Coloured Belt Grading - August 2011

The August Coloured Belt Grading takes place this Wednesday 17th at Crowne Plaza Ealing hotel. The grading will take place the usual class times, children at 6.30pm and adults at 7.30pm although please arrive 10 - 15 minutes early so that you are ready to start on time.

Click here to pay Grading Fees online

View Coloured Belt Grading dates for 2011

Monday, 1 August 2011

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 05/08/2011

Friday 5th August is the date for this month's Leadership & Black Belt Training:

Crowne Plaza London Ealing
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG
Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing
6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

NB. The date of the session in September has been amended to Friday 16th.

Make sure you check the remaining scheduled dates for Ealing CKD and also alternative dates for Leadership & Black Belt Training at Hendon CKD.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Excellence - July/August 2011

This newsletter contains full details of our summer schedule including Leadership & Black Belt Training in August and the next Coloured Belt Grading.

Download Excellence (July/August 2011)

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Ealing CKD Summer Schedule 2011

Our summer schedule of classes has now been confirmed. From Monday 25th July until Wednesday 24th August we will be training at:

Crowne Plaza London Ealing
Hanger Lane Gyratory
Western Avenue
London W5 1HG
Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

Many of you are familiar with training at the hotel and most classes will take place in the Knightsbridge Suite on the lower ground floor at the following times.

6.30pm - 7.20pm Children all ranks
7.30pm - 8.30pm Teens & Adults all ranks

The dates for these classes are as follows:

Monday 25th July & Wednesday 27th July
Monday 1st August & Wednesday 3rd August
Monday 8th August & Wednesday 10th August
Monday 15th August & Wednesday 17th August
Monday 22nd August & Wednesday 24th August

The Coloured Belt Grading will take place on Wednesday 17th August.

NB. There are some changes to class time and/or location on the following dates:

Monday 8th August & Wednesday 10th August - Westminster Suite
5.30 Children Beginners
6.30 Children Intermediate & Advanced
7.30 Teens & Adults White - Yellow Senior
8.30 Teens & Adults Gold Belt and above

Monday 15th August - Knightsbridge Suite
7.00 Children all ranks
8.00 Teens & Adults all ranks

Wednesday 17th August - Knightsbridge Suite
6.30 Children all ranks
7.30 Teens & Adults all ranks

Monday 22nd August & Wednesday 24th August
6.30 Children all ranks
7.30 Teens & Adults all ranks

After the class on Wednesday 24th August we break up for the summer returning to Ellen Wilkinson School at the usual times on Monday 12th September.

When at the hotel the usual parking procedures apply. Please obtain a permit before attending the class.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Create Your Own Student Manual

The Student Manual is an essential resource for Choi Kwang-Do students and instructors alike. Here's what you'll need to create your own:

1. A computer (or access to one) to login to the Choi Kwang-Do Student Area. Access is included with your school membership. You'll need you Student ID and PIN to login which would have been included in your welcome letter. Feel free to contact me for a reminder.

2. A printer (or access to one) and A4 paper to print out the syllabus sheets.

3. A4 file pockets. These are optional but you can get them from any stationary shop. If you're not using file pockets, you'll need a hole punch.

4. A4 folder. I've used this plastic ring binder from WH Smith. £4.29

5. Front cover insert. Make your own or download one I've created. It's in MS Word format in case you wish to personalise it, eg. with your name.

Next, all you need to do is:

1. Login to the Student Area.
2. Print the required Syllabus Sheets.
3. Insert in the file pockets or hole punch.
4. File the Syllabus Sheets in the folder in ascending belt order.

That's it...apart from repeating this process after each successful belt promotion!

You can do this without the plastic pockets, but they will help to protect the sheets as they accumulate and protect against wear and tear during transit to and from class.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 08/07/2011

July's Leadership & Black Belt Training takes place on Friday 8th. As well as being required training for seniors and instructors, this is also the best chance for Black Belts to cover new syllabus material following the Black Belt Grading in June.

Crowne Plaza London Ealing
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG
Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation)

Unlike previous years, there is a chance that there will be a class in August. Details to follow.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Coloured Belt Grading - June 2011

Our June Coloured Belt Grading is this Wednesday 22nd June.

The grading will be held within class time so attend class as normal ensuring you arrive 10 - 15 minutes early to be ready to start on time.

If you've not already made payment of your Grading Fees you can do so online here. Alternatively, payment can be made at the Admin Table to an Instructor upon arrival.

View Coloured Belt Grading dates for 2011

Friday, 17 June 2011

We've Gone Mobile!

Do you have a mobile phone?

If you answered 'yes' to this question (which is highly likely nowadays) you can now keep up to date with news and events at Ealing Choi Kwang-Do via our new mobile web app.

We've mobilised all of our websites so you can now view updates on our blog posts, tweets on Twitter, Facebook Page updates and YouTube videos...all in one place and conveniently on your mobile phone. The best part is that you don't need any specific brand of phone - as long as your mobile phone enables you to access the internet through a web browser it should work*.

(Many thanks to those who have helped me to test this in the past few weeks).

To view the Ealing CKD mobile web app enter the following address on your mobile phone's web browser:

If you use a Nokia mobile phone you can install the app directly via the Nokia Store

*Ealing CKD mobile web app uses a small amount of internet data. Charges to use the internet vary depending on your mobile network and package, so please check before using.

Installation problems? Queries? Post them in the comments below and I'll do my best to help.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Black Belt Grading - June 2011

June's Black Belt Grading takes place this weekend, Sunday 12th June:

Wembley CKD School
Barham Primary School
Danethorpe Road

Click here for a map of Wembley CKD School

10:00 Dan Test: Brown Senior, Il Dan Brown & Ee Dan Brown
12:00 Tag Test 1: Il Dan Plain, Yellow & Gold
12:50 Tag Test 2: Il Dan Orange, Green, Blue, Purple & Red
13:40 Tage Test 3: Ee Dan Plain, Gold, Green, Blue & Red, Sam Dan Plain, Gold & Blue
14:30 Scheduled Finish

Click here to pay Grading Fees online

Black Belt Grading dates for 2011

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 03/06/2011

It's time once again for our monthly Leadership & Black Belt Training session on Friday 3rd June:

Crowne Plaza London Ealing
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG
Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation).

This the last opportunity to review material before the Black Belt Grading on Sunday 12th June.

NB. Leadership & Black Belt Training in July has been rescheduled from Friday 1st to Friday 8th. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Monday, 30 May 2011

Class Update: Ealing CKD 01/06/2011

As it's half term this week and Ellen Wilkinson is closed, please remember that there will not be a class today, Monday 30th May. The class on Wednesday 1st June will be held at:

Crowne Plaza London Ealing (Knightsbridge Suite, lower ground)
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG

Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

Please note the slight change of class times for this date only:

Children's Class 1: 6.00 – 6.50pm
Children's Class 2: 7.00 – 7.50pm
Teens & Adults Class: 8.00 – 9.00pm

We return to Ellen Wilkinson School at the normal class times on Monday 6th June.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Excellence - May 2011

This months issue of Excellence contains a minor update to our grading procedure plus a project for Choi Kwang-Do students (and instructors) to do over the Bank Holiday weekend!

Download Excellence (May 2011)

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 06/05/2011

Leadership & Black Belt Training continues this Friday 6th May:

Crowne Plaza London Ealing
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG
Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation).

NB. The date of this class in June may need to be changed. The new date will be confirmed shortly.

Friday, 29 April 2011

Class Update: Ealing CKD 02/05/2011 & 30/05/2011

A reminder that there are no Choi Kwang-Do classes at Ealing on the two Bank Holidays in May 2011. These are:

Monday 2nd May
Monday 30th May

If you normally attend the Monday class, you're welcome to attend the Wednesday class on these weeks instead.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Class Update: Ealing CKD Easter Holidays

Classes for the next two weeks continue at the following location:

Crowne Plaza London Ealing (Knightsbridge Suite, lower ground)
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG

Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

This applies to all Choi Kwang-Do classes on:

Monday 11th and 18th April
Wednesday 13th and 20th April

All classes will be in the Knightsbridge Suite on the lower ground floor. Please note the amendment to class times where each class will start 30 minutes later than normal.

Children's Class 1: 6.00 – 6.50pm
Children's Class 2: 7.00 – 7.50pm
Teens & Adults Class: 8.00 – 9.00pm

Parking at the hotel is on a first come first served basis and you will need to get a permit either from hotel reception or myself to display in your car.

Excellence - April 2011

Read the April issue of Excellence, our class newsletter below. Please note the update on classes during the Easter holidays and the confirmed April grading last!

Download Excellence (April 2011)

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 01/04/2011

Leadership & Black Belt Training for April takes place this Friday 1st:

Crowne Plaza London Ealing
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG
Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation).

Next session is Friday 6th May.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Excellence - March 2011

The March 2011 issue of Excellence is now ready (just in time!). This month's issue includes a reminder of our holiday and absence procedures.

Download Excellence (March 2011)

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Black Belt Grading - March 2011

This is the first Black Belt Grading for 2011 - Sunday 20th March at Wembley CKD:

Wembley CKD School
Barham Primary School
Danethorpe Road

Click here for a map of Wembley CKD School

10:00 Line Up, Promise, Pledge, Principles, Welcome & Introductions.
10:10 Dan Test: Brown Senior, Il Dan Brown & Ee Dan Brown
12:00 Tag Test 1: Il Dan Plain, Yellow & Gold
12:50 Tag Test 2: Il Dan Orange, Green, Blue & Purple
13:40 Tag Test 3: Il Dan Red, Ee Dan Plain, Ee Dan Gold, Ee Dan Green, Ee Dan Blue, Ee Dan Red, Sam Dan Plain, Sam Dan Gold & Sam Dan Blue
14:30 Scheduled Finish

Click here to pay Grading Fees online

Black Belt Grading dates for 2011

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Acknowledge Your Experience

Can you ride a bicycle? Can you recall your first few times pedalling unassisted down the road?

Do you drive? If so, can you remember taking lessons? So many things to remember; steering, gears, mirrors, other road users, other learners driving like you - poorly...

Even if you haven't driven a car you will know that it has a steering wheel which is used to change or maintain the direction in which the car is travelling. If you can drive, during lessons you may have been instructed to hold the steering wheel with your hands at the 'quarter to three' or 'ten to two' positions. You may have also been instructed to turn the wheel using a 'push and pull' method.

(Disclaimer: if you are a non-driver or yet to take lessons, please note that I take no responsibility for any confusion arising from this explanation. Driving instruction should be taken from a qualified driving instructor!)

However, after some time, you became more confident with steering and driving a car in general. You may even have passed your test!

What happens next? You begin to hold the steering wheel and turn it using a slightly different, more fluid, more graceful manner.

The car hasn't changed.
The steering wheel hasn't changed?
So what's different?


We know that the more we perform an action, the easier it can become and the better we can do it. Your position along the learning curve changes as each repetition of the action creates experience.

You no longer have to 'work out' how to perform the action each time you wish to perform it. At the same time, your experience helps you determine how well you can perform the action consistently with accuracy.

The same applies when learning and performing the Choi Kwang-Do techniques. In most cases the objective of the instructor when initially teaching techniques is provide an overview of the technique, then introduce the technique following a step-by-step breakdown.

In this way students can better understand the technique and the instructor can make corrections or adjustments can be made during the learning process.

Once a basic understanding of the fundamental movement has been grasped, the technique may then be repeated more fluidly.

Rather than allow students to work out how to do a technique – students are provided with the process of how to achieve the technique.

This is particularly important in Choi Kwang-Do due to sequential nature of the movements; a single punch requires involvement from a wide variety of parts around the entire body from the feet upwards.

Eventually, with time, patience and guidance you are able to perform the technique easily and effectively - almost without thinking, and this can often happen without us realising. Some people refer to this as unconscious competence, whereby you don’t even realise that your experience and abilities have evolved and you now possess a certain level of skill and proficiency.

It's great to be able to look back at where you once were, and then marvel at the range of skills and experience that you now have. As long as you bear in mind that irrespective of rank and years training, there is nearly always something new to learn, tweak or refine.

Jason Wright is a 5th Degree Black Belt and Master Instructor in the martial art Choi Kwang-Do. For further information on Choi Kwang-Do classes in Ealing, West London visit

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 11/03/2011

Our next Leadership & Black Belt Training session is this Friday 11th March:

Crowne Plaza London Ealing
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG
Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation).

Next session is Friday 1st April.

Remember that you can now view dates for all of these sessions during 2011 (and also gradings) by clicking dates in the list of LABELS on the right hand side.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Leadership & Black Belt Training 2011

Please see below dates for Leadership & Black Belt Training during 2011, all to be held at Crowne Plaza London Ealing:

Friday 7th January 2011
Friday 4th February 2011
Friday 11th March 2011
Friday 1st April 2011
Friday 6th May 2011
Friday 3rd June 2011
Friday 8th July 2011 (amended date)
Friday 5th August 2001 (new date)
Friday 16th September 2011 (amended date)
Friday 7th October 2011
Friday 4th November 2011
Friday 2nd December 2011

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation).

Coloured Belt Gradings 2011

Please see below dates for Coloured Belt Choi Kwang-Do Gradings during 2011, all to be held in class at Ealing CKD:

Wednesday 23rd February 2011
Wednesday 13th April 2011
Wednesday 22nd June 2011
Wednesday 17th August 2011
Wednesday 19th October 2011
Wednesday 7th December 2011

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Coloured Belt Grading - February 2011

The Coloured Belt Grading for February will be held on Wednesday 23rd.

NB. This grading (and the class on Monday 21st February) is being held at Crowne Plaza hotel are the regular class times, although arrival 10 - 15 minutes beforehand is recommended so that students are ready to start on time.

Grading Fees are due in advance of the Grading Class. For convenience, you can click here to pay Grading Fees online

Class Update: Ealing CKD 16/02/2011, 21/02/2011 & 23/02/2011

Due a school event in the Main Hall there will be no Choi Kwang-Do class on Wednesday 16th February. Apologies for any inconvenience.

The next two classes on Monday 21st and Wednesday 23rd February will be held at Crowne Plaza hotel:

Crowne Plaza London Ealing (Knightsbridge Suite, lower ground)
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG

Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

Both classes will be will be held in the Knightsbridge Suite on the lower ground floor: Children 6.00pm – 7.00pm, Teens & Adults 7.15pm – 8.30pm.

Parking at the hotel is on a 'first come first served basis' and you will need to get a permit from hotel reception to display in your car.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Excellence - February 2011

The first issue of Excellence for 2011 is now available to view or download. This issue contains an update on our new class schedule starting Monday 28th February.

Download Excellence (February 2011)

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 04/02/2011

Leadership & Black Belt Training for February takes place this week, Friday 4th:

Crowne Plaza London Ealing
(Knightbridge Suite, Lower Ground)
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG
Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation).

NB. The date of this class in March has been rescheduled from Friday 4th to the new date of Friday 11th March. A reminder will be sent out closer to the time.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

First Classes For 2011

Happy New Year. It's now 2011 so this is just a reminder that Choi Kwang-Do classes resume this coming week at Ealing, Monday 10th January at the usual times.

6.00 - 7.00pm Children
7.15 - 8.30pm Teens & Adults

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Leadership & Black Belt Training - 07/01/2011

Leadership & Black Belt Training is now taking place at a new time and location. The first session for 2011 is Friday 7th January at:

Crowne Plaza London Ealing
Western Avenue
Hanger Lane Gyratory System
London W5 1HG
Click here for a map of Crowne Plaza London Ealing

6.30 - 7.00pm Leadership Training (Junior Leadership Team, AIs, HIs & CIs)
7.00 - 9.00pm Black Belt Training (All Black Belts. Advanced level students upon invitation).

For a complete list of dates for these sessions though 2011 see the December 2010/January 2011 issue of Excellence.